Monday 7 December 2009

A day in the life of...

I've just finished round one of the washing up, I have a giant Eeyore mug sized pot of Earl Grey brewing and I'm about to embark upon day one of the mad dash to finish all my Christmas gifts. Me, leave things til the last minute? Never! :o)

One phone call from my Dad later I am now quarter of the way down that mug and have pinned the seams I needed to correct on one side of my quilt. This is my first quilt and my first patchwork too. I've learnt a lot from this and really hope that Sal likes it. It was supposed to be done for when her newest daughter was born but things didn't go to plan and is now a Christmas present. I've not mentioned it in a while so I think she thinks I've forgotten. I'm hoping it will be a nice surprise.

one side of the quilt is finished.

Only one burn from the iron to show for it which is pretty good.

I'm sat with my dinner now and have an Eeyore cup of Lapsang Souchong brewing. Gonna read some stories while I eat and then tackle the second side.

Tea finished, Vivaldi playing, time to get that second side of the quilt done.

Second side of quilt done. Lines of stitching that had to be unpicked and re-sewn due to me sewing them the wrong way round = 6. Yes 6! Off to start making dinner now. Where on earth has Spadger put the onions?

Dinner is cooking away on the stove top. I have a mug of Afternoon Darjeeling. Gonna sup this and then get on with sewing the 2 sides together (must not forget to put the wadding in the middle!)

Around 6 Spadger came home and by half past we were sitting down to a lovely stew (if I do say so myself) A quick trip to the shop and then back to finishing the embroidery on the quilt top. And that is as far as I got. I was going to at least get it all pinned together but I need the floor space to do that and the bunnies are out. I don't fancy their big feet and all the pins I'm going to be using. So I guess that will be tomorrow's first job.

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